Ugh, so it begins again. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of cookies on my counter right now. Maybe thousands is too much, but it feels like it. Frosted gingerbread, frosted sugar cookies, cinnamon roasted pecans, banana nut bread, coffee cake, popcorn (cheese and Ranch flavored). It's insane. I cannot stop snacking. CAN NOT!
My plan is to do my best the next couple days. We have our delayed Christmas with my husband's Mom on Sunday. I'm making the turkey....and potatoes, and stuffing. Do I even bother to start now? Yes, because you can always start fresh. One bite at a time. One meal. One choice. One day. It all adds up. I'm ready.
I guess more than anything, I'm back. I mean, REALLY back. The last year has shown me I'm no different than anyone else. I've fought my will power, gave up, eaten like crap, experienced heartburn again (NOT FUN). I'm ready to fight again. Fight to get these 12 lbs and maybe some more off again.

So, until next week or maybe sooner. With this, I include 2 family pictures. Taken in October. I can see the gain in my face, but I am still SUPER happy with the pics!