Up at the top! |
Hiking? Sure, let's go hiking. 4 words I never would have thought would be coming out of my mouth on a beautiful Saturday morning. After 35 minutes of packing sunscreen, extra changes of clothing, 2 pb & j sandwiches, carrots, grapes, waters, and juice we were on our way. We stopped at Subway and got parent sandwiches, His- Seafood club or something (lots of mayo)& Mine-
Turkey Bacon Avocado- 10 points. We settled into a picnic area at
Lapham Peak. We ate our lunch quickly, but peacefully and without incident. Then we started to climb....Here we are at the top and again at the bottom.
The stairs weren't too bad- it was the fact I had a 3.5 year old climbing up these monstrous stairs and all I could see was him slipping and falling. Mommy had some pretty severe anxiety.... After we finished the stairs, we went to a nice, easy trail that had a lot of shade. It was only about 2 miles, but it felt longer. We had our little buggy and we finally got an exhausted Myles (my 3.5 yr old) to ride with his brother instead of walking.
A long way up with little guys. |
After the hike, we were pretty tired, so we went home and played outside until it was dark. I grilled up some steaks and baked potatoes. There was a special on Beef Tenderloin so I bought one. The best thing about a good Beef Tenderloin is it's simple to control the amount of filet you eat. I cut off the first piece and weighed it on my scale- 6.5 oz (Daddy's steak), next piece 5.0 oz (my piece- ends up around 3 oz cooked- 7 pts.) and a 4 oz for Myles. I used my handy dandy
Weight Watcher Oil Sprayer which is perfect for the grill! Overall, a delicious meal accompanied by a side salad loaded with veggies. It felt like we were having a fancy restaurant meal at home- for WAY cheaper and WAY less points! Love this grilling weather!
So, you'd think a hike on Saturday would be enough for me, no, it wasn't. Upon waking on Sunday I wasn't feeling sore yet. I decided after I put the little guy down, I'd do some gardening. I pulled weeds for about 2 hours. Bending down, standing up, bending down, standing up. Oh Boy, I am feeling it today!
Yikes! I can hardly move. You know that feeling where you feel like you are 100 years old. Can't even sit on the toilet without saying "OUCH"? That's me today....
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