Wednesday, July 16, 2014

It's been 2 years and 2 days....

2 years and 2 days since I decided to change my life. I don't think I fully understood what I was taking on. To be honest, I don't know if I believed I would be successful. But as my husband, Jason would tell you..."Just tell Michelle she can't do something, that'll make her show you."

So I guess I did it, I showed myself! On July 13, 2012 I left my house and stopped at McDonald's. I ordered a breakfast burrito and a McGriddle, sausage McGriddle. After eating those, I walked into my first (3rd attempt) Weight Watchers meeting. My leader, Angela was a thin, very pretty blonde woman with smart looking glasses. She was kind and sincere. There was something I connected to and I left the meeting feeling empowered.

My tosies
As I share how it happened and a lot of my journey here, there are a few items I have noticed I do now, that I did not before.
For example:
I don't go into Handicap stalls anymore. I don't need all the extra room. 
When I get into my van next to my husband, I don't put my purse or diaper bag over my belly. Used to try and hide it!
I shave my legs once a week now (luckily I'm not a hairy person!)
I can clip my own toe nails now. Not that I couldn't before, but it was a struggle and my hubby used to help. 
I paint my toe nails again! See?

Side by side- 3 years!
I never thought I would wear a 2 piece swimsuit again. I used to be uncomfortable in any swim suit. I would hide or usually avoid any activity that required a suit. This "before" picture in the side by side was taken by my parents and included a bunch of people. The "selfie" was me last Sunday. I was not feeling well but decided to go lay in the sun and get some Vitamin D. I put on my suit and smiled. Do I look awesome?  No. BUT, after 2 kids, I'll take it!

So when I break it down, I am maintaining the weight lost. I waiver from 151 - 148 lbs. At 9 months pregnant with my #2, I was 279 lbs! I'm now within my healthy range.  I'm happy with that. I am 3 weeks into T25 again. Taking this week off as I have been super sick, but may even jump back into the saddle tonight. Overall, if anyone is reading this, you can do it. I did!

Or maybe if I tell you, "You CAN'T do it" will

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